Please Respond; Scheduling of Last Game and Summer Session
I hope all is well.
As you probably saw, the game schduled for this weekend 5/1, was cancelled.
We are working to schedule the make up game before summer (joke).
I need to know your preference for a make up date, which may include a Saturday (5/7, 5/14 or 5/15). Please e-mail me with the date you prefer. My e-mail address is
Also, please let me know if you are interested in playing in a summer season, or in a tournament over the summer. Only respond yes to this, if you will commit to playing and paying for the summer session and a tournament (possibly in Atlanta, possibly in another city).
Gentlemen, thanks for a great season. When voting for the dirties player on the team this year, just remember Bryce Boggs plays outside back for us!